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ProveMyFloridaCase.com > Posts tagged "opening statement"

New Trial Warranted for Prejudicially Inflaming the Jury

Jury trials do contain a degree of theatrics, particularly when it comes to opening and closing statements. The objective is to persuasively demonstrate to the jury your theme of the dispute – what the evidence will show (in the opening statement) and what the evidence reveals that supports your theme and the application of the law (in the closing statement). This does not mean, however, that you can intentionally and prejudicially inflame the passions of the jury. Doing so will result in a new trial, and oftentimes, an unnecessary new trial. An example of this can be found in the case...

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Purpose of Closing Argument

  We talked about the purpose of opening statements. Now, let’s talk about the purpose of closing argument. One of my favorite all-time shows is Law and Order. Jack McCoy can certainly deliver a closing argument like no other where the purpose of his closing argument always seems abundantly clear.  The purpose of closing argument is to help the jury understand the evidence presented to the law. See Murphy v. International Robotic Systems, Inc., 766 So.2d 1010 (Fla. 2000).   It serves as the final opportunity for the lawyer to fully connect his/her client’s theme of the case (possibly explained during opening) based on...

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Purpose of Opening Statements

  We’ve all seen movies that reflect the power of an opening statement.   Remember the movies “The Devil’s Advocate” or “Philadelphia” or “A Few Good Men?”   All of these show powerful opening statements with a purpose.  Remember the movie "My Cousin Vinny?"  This movie does not reflect a powerful opening statement with a purpose, although it sure is funny!   “The purpose of opening statements is to outline what an attorney expects the evidence will establish, and control of opening statements is within the trial court’s discretion.” Bush v. State, 809 So.2d 107, 118 (Fla. 4th DCA 2002). The opening statement allows a party’s...

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